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Morrow Designs' Decision CPU circuit board was an S-100 bus single board
computer conforming to the proposed IEEE-696 standards for interface.
The CPU board features were:-
A 4 MHz Z80 microprocessor chip.
An optional 9512 floating point processor.
24 bits of address space allowing access to over 16M bytes of physical
On-board memory consisting of 2K bytes of EPROM and 1K byte of
RAM memory.
Sophisticated hardware memory management circuitry which was dynamically
alterable to the operating system.
Sophisticated hardware trap mechanisms that allowed the operating system
control over user access and operation.
Stop trap option which may be activated to aid in debugging software.
The CPU board only required power from the +8 volt and +16 volt supplied
sources for operation.
The manual for this board can be obtained
Morrow S-100 Boards
This page was last modified on 05/26/2011